DJI Enterprise White Paper

Drones and Law Enforcement

Public Safety/2019-08-28

What agencies need to know before implementing a public safety drone program



In the same way body-worn cameras have been a game-changer for law enforcement operations, unmanned aerial vehicles are also revolutionizing many aspects of police work. As the technology has exploded in recent years, the relatively low cost of drones means agencies of all sizes can use them. For larger agencies, a drone is an essential addition to an air unit that can significantly reduce operational expenses. For smaller agencies, drones provide an airborne asset that was previously financially out of reach. 


The articles in this eBook serve as a guide to the initial steps an agency should take when looking to add a drone to its arsenal of law enforcement tools. We detail how to help your community understand how drones can improve public safety; list seven factors to consider when purchasing a public safety drone; and outline how to find the funding to cover the purchase of the equipment and accessories, as well as pay for staff training.