Public Safety

Drones elevate public safety agencies by enhancing response times, reducing operational costs, and improving decision-making while ensuring the safety of personnel in critical operations.

Law Enforcement

Drones offer police departments enhanced situational insight, safer operations for officers and bystanders, cost savings, and better-informed decisions, serving communities more effectively.


Mission Situational Awareness

Mission Situational Awareness

Gain aerial intel on developing situations with real-time, high-quality imagery, supporting ground teams and enhancing decision-making.

First Response

First Response

Reduce response time and allocate resources more effectively with timely Drone as First Responder (DFR) operations.

Collision Reconstruction and Forensics

Collision Reconstruction and Forensics

Clear roads faster with efficient and accurate drone-based data collection and reconstruction. Ensure personnel safety and digitize your forensics process.


Drones offer firefighters enhanced safety and versatility, providing thermal imaging to pinpoint hotspots in urban fires, wildfires, and more, ensuring efficient, informed responses.


Urban Fires

Urban Fires

Tackle urban fire emergencies with drone thermal readings; improve your response efforts by localizing hotspots and deploying teams more effectively.



Enhance wildfire response by providing critical aerial information. Identify hotspots more accurately and improve responder safety while aiding in the strategic deployment of resources.

Additional Response

Additional Response

Diversify your response scope for Hazmat, water rescue, and other emergencies with multi-purpose aerial support.

Emergency Response

Leverage drones to gather essential visual and thermal information, improving both preventative measures and tactical responses in the face of natural disasters such as floods, landslides, and earthquakes.


Disaster Prevention and Response

Disaster Prevention and Response

Harness the power of drones to capture critical visual and thermal data, enhancing prevention strategies and response tactics during natural disasters, including floods, landslides, earthquakes, and more.

Search and Rescue

First responders are turning to DJI's aerial solutions to aid in search and rescue missions. Drones can efficiently scan vast areas and help pinpoint individuals in distress thanks to high-resolution visual and thermal sensors


Search and Rescue

Search and Rescue

Optimize search and rescue missions by swiftly scanning extensive and difficult-to-navigate landscapes, utilizing aerial thermal imaging to pinpoint the whereabouts of lost individuals.

Private Security

Utilize drones for rapid security scans over vast expanses, detecting security risks and bolstering ground teams with superior situational insights.


Private Security

Private Security

Swiftly patrol large areas to identify potential security threats and support ground teams with enhanced situational awareness.